Sunday, 30 March 2008

Prejudice, vanilla, and a very good song

I have never been a fan of Justin Timberlake.
Maybe because he was too mainstream, whereas I tend to favour alternative; or because he was a member of a boy band and I have never liked boy bands since Menudo was around. It could be because I was under the impression that he was a bit too... vanilla. You know, whishy-washy, watery, innocuous, insipid. To me, he was just like all the other fabricated icons, including another quite different member of the Mickey Mouse Club, scandalous, clueless, ubiquitous Britney.
So, why am I talking about him in this post? Because I am revising my concepts. Justin is now on probation as far as I'm concerned, on his way to redeeming himself as an artist, since he was co-opted onto Madonna's posse. And since I saw this bit:

And heard this song:

I just loved the song. I don't care for this video, though.

For a full review of Madonna's latest album, Hard Candy (could we translate this into Portuguese as Rapadura - que nada mais é que um doce duro?) see the following link:

For info on Justin Timberlake,

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